Best ways to earn money from online :2021

 Best ways to earn money from online :2021

1.Affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing is one of the best way to make money online .In this process you have to share link and you can earn money.To earn money by affiliate marketing you have to become a affiliate associate in any company like - amazon, flipkart and any other company. At first you have to creat a affiliate Account then choose your
niche .Then choose any product and copy the product link .After copy the product link you have to share the link all social media platforms like - Facebook, whatsapp, instagram etc.when any one click the link and purchase the product and any other product you will get commission. This is the easiest way to make money online free.

When you search any thing on Google ,you got many result and you open any page to see results ,those are all blogs.Who write blogs they are called blogger. If you want to write any blog then you have to creat a website ,to make website you can check blogger,where you can make website full of free cost.After creating a website you have to write a blog and upload.When your website will get views you can earn money online free.
You tube is the best way to earn money from online.Many peoples are working on youtube .Also you can earn money from youtube ,you can upload videos on YouTube  in any topic.whatever you can do like - technology, unboxing,gaming,review channel etc.After getting 1000 subscriber and 4000 hour watch time in last 365 days you can earn money from online.

4.Instagram page and Facebook page
By creating instagram page and Facebook page you can also earn money from can share your affiliate links on your Facebook and Instagram can also upload videos on facebook ,when you got 30000 views in last one year. Your page will got monitized.Then you can earn money from online.

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